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大学英语语法 大学课程辅导
大学英语语法填空题:modifiedinresponsesraisestolerancemadebiotechnology artificialresistancevarietyThe appearance of genetically ( 1 ) foods in the marketplace has resulted ( 2 ) a firestorm of public debate, scientific discussion, and media coverage. A ( 3 ) of ecological and human health concerns come with the new advances ( 4 ) possible by genetic modification.What are the benefits?Genetically modified foods (GM foods or GMF) offer a way to quickly improve crop characteristics such as yield, pest ( 5 ), or herbicide ( 6 ), often to a degree not possible with traditional methods.Further,genetically modified crops can be manipulated to produce completely ( 7 ) substances, from the precursors to plastics to consumable vaccines.What are the risks?The power of genetic modification techniques ( 8 ) the possibility of human health, environmental,and economic problems,including unanticipated allergic ( 9 ) to novel substances in foods,the spread of pest resistance or herbicide tolerance to wild plants,inadvertent toxicity to benign wildlife, and increasing control of agriculture by ( 10 ) corporations.
英语专业大学英语语法课程填空题:modifiedinresponsesraisestolerancemadebiotechnology artificialresistancevarietyThe appearance of genetically ( 1 ) foods in the marketplace has resulted ( 2 ) a firestorm of public debate, scientific discussion, and media coverage. A ( 3 ) of ecological and human health concerns come with the new advances ( 4 ) possible by genetic modification.What are the benefits?Genetically modified foods (GM foods or GMF) offer a way to quickly improve crop characteristics such as yield, pest ( 5 ), or herbicide ( 6 ), often to a degree not possible with traditional methods.Further,genetically modified crops can be manipulated to produce completely ( 7 ) substances, from the precursors to plastics to consumable vaccines.What are the risks?The power of genetic modification techniques ( 8 ) the possibility of human health, environmental,and economic problems,including unanticipated allergic ( 9 ) to novel substances in foods,the spread of pest resistance or herbicide tolerance to wild plants,inadvertent toxicity to benign wildlife, and increasing control of agriculture by ( 10 ) corporations.

  • 1、对该项目经审查合格的节能设计文件,下列说法正确的有( )。 (分数:3 分) A. 电信公司可以要求甲施工单位变更节能设计,降低节能标准 B. 甲施工单位可以要求乙施工单位变更节能设计,降低节能标准 C. 电信公司不可以要求甲施工单位变更节能设计,降低节能标准 D. 建筑节能强制性标准,是针对电信公司、甲、乙的要求建筑师职业基础
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  • 结构图是用符号、线条、图形等示意课文内容或课题原理的一种板书方式。这种方式可运用于抽象事物原理的形象说明或一些物理装置、化学仪器的构造的展示。课堂教学技能培养与训练
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  • 88 以下说法正确的是 A.某市信访办答复群众来信使用通知 B.公文主题词主要用于为主题检索公文提供检索标识 C.签发是公文生效的唯一途径 D.文件成文日期即指正式发出日期应用写作