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 高等继续教育 / 统考英语阅读理解

8、A couple of months ago, I went to a department store to buy a few things for the house. I needed a set of curtains for the living room, two table lamps, a rug and several cushions. I asked them to deliver the things as soon as possible, but they said that they were unable to send them out until 20 days later. After about 3 weeks, I received only the curtains and table lamps. I was a little disappointed when I didn't receive all the items I had bought. But nevertheless, I was eager to see what the curtains and lamps looked like. I first opened the package with the curtains. I had bought a lovely light blue, and instead they had sent me a horrible dark purple. Well, you can just imagine how angry I was. Then I opened the boxes with the lamps. They were exactly what I'd ordered. But one of the lamp shapes was damaged. The next I did was to telephone them to complain. They promised to come and pick them up immediately and also to replace them with the correct order. It has been two weeks since my complaint. They have neither picked up the wrong items nor sent me the rest of my order.
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