1.  >>  高等继续教育 / 大数据概论
  • 中国在自然灾害管理方面还存在以下哪些问公共安全管理
  • 提高企业竞争力最理想和最根本的方法是员工培训与开发
  • 如果经常项目上出现赤字(      )西方经济学(本)
  • ()是世界上最早建立的资产阶级共和国。 西方行政制度
  • 56[修改题] Rewrite the following sentnces using whatever cohesive device is appropriate.The child hated the enemy bitterly.His hatred was just as deep as his father's hatred for the enemy.河南理工大学
  • 1、1.With the _ _ _ _ _ _ _ of Mary, all the girl students are eager to go to the party.  A.exhibition B.exception C.except D.reception 2.Although the traffic is not busy, he likes to drive at a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ speed. A.spare B.fast C.moderate D.moral 3.All the memories of his childhood had _ _ _ _ _ _ _ from his mind by the time he was 65. A.faded B.illustrated C.comfined D.concerned 4.This river is so big that it is impossible to build a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ under it without modern technology. A.canal B.tunnel C.channel D.cable 5.The _ _ _ _ _ _ _ is nearly dead , so I can not start the car again. A. bean B.beam C.bake D.battery 6.When making modern cameras , people began to _ _ _ _ _ _ _ plastics for metal. A. surround B.substance C.stretch D.substitute 7.With the help of the government , a large number of people --- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ after the flood in 1991. A. survived B.suspended C.suffered D.subfected 8.He always has a lot of _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ideas in his mind , and sometimes we do not even know what he is thinding about. A. novel B.spoil C.acceptable D.additional 9.Please be serious. I am not _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . You should consider it carefully A. sorting B.joking C.counting D.comparing 10.We do not have a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ school in our institute. The highest degree we provide for the students is a B. A. and a B. S. . A. continue B.bay C.assistance D.graduate英语(二)