河南成教 / 河南理工大学
河南成教 / 河南理工大学
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4、作为取费基数的机械费不包括( ) A. 折旧费 B. 大修理费 C. 经常修理费 D. 大型机械设备安拆费
4[应用题] The Necessity of English Writing for English Mayors English writing is generally the most difficult one in the language competence required for the students majoring in English, considering the great pains student writers take and the slight progress they make in their practice. Most of the beginners think there is no need to practice writing English compositions since their writing skills in Chinese are quite sufficient, and English writing is after all not quite practical for their future work. However, English writing, as a very important part of students' general language competence and as a means of expressing oneself and of spreading knowledge and information, is necessary and essential for English majors. The difficulty of English writing baffles many students so much that they often turn to their Chinese writing skills for help. That is natural. In fact, their Chinese writing skills do help their English writing, especially in generating and organizing ideas and details. Meanwhile, Chinese writing is different from English writing in sentence structures and paragraph organizations and the differences in expressions are certainly even bigger. Simply translating Chinese word for word into English cannot make good English writing. Some students hold a wrong view of learning English. They think to learn English is just to memorize a large vocabulary, to master the grammar and to speak fluent English. Once they are proficient in those areas of English, they can naturally handle English writing well. To correct such a onesided view, one thing must be kept in mind, that is, spoken English is not equal to written English. Oral speech is often rather loose and flexible without precise and proper arrangement. Oral English uses simple everyday language while written English comprises complicated words and sentence structures. Therefore, written English is more demanding, and it requires intentional and intensive practice. English writing course can serve this purpose. The students' laziness in observing and thinking partly accounts for their reluctance to practice writing. Writing sharpens and improves thinking. English writing can help students develop the habit and ability of thinking in English and become generally more competent in English. Composition topics can be varied yet close to life. If students have a good habit of observing life and thinking constantly, they won't bump into topics with empty heads. Keen observation and deep thoughts are necessary for good English writing, and they are also signs for well educated people. Writing can also strengthen students' abilities in comprehension and oral English. Writing is creative work. After brainstorming, various ideas and pictures may pop into their minds and some beautiful sentences may be written down on a piece of paper, which will last long in their memory. Their written English skills may help to polish and beautify their spoken English and make their oral expressions precise and elegant. Writing involves losts of reading. When reading others' writing, they will be sensitive to various styles and that will quicken their reading speed and comprehension. Futhermore, English writing is in fact a most practical tool in students' future career. It will be used in writing telexes, business letters, research papers and public speeches. Every kind of writing has its special style, which needs a careful study and strenuous practice. Yet all those are based on essential skills in English writing that will be covered in an English writing course. Finally, the required competence for English majors differs from other English learners. English majors are not limited to the command of any particular sphere of the English language. Instead, they must have allround competence in terms of listening and reading comprehension, spoken abilities and writing skills in English, so that they can adapt themselves to various situations in their future work. No one is born capable of everything. Hard work is the premise of success. To be able to use English freely, we do not only have to read a lot, speak a lot, but also write a lot. English writing practice consolidates students' overall English competence and enables them to express their ideas and feelings in a more precise, graceful and permanent form.
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