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 高等继续教育 / 统考英语词汇与语法

77、I would appreciate _ _ _ _ _ _ back this afternoon.
A.you to call
B.you call
C.your calling
D.you're calling
  • 题型描述: 五选项完型填空Peter and Paul had got permission _ _ _ _ _ _ their parents to camp in a field close to their farm. But, being adventurous boys, they know it would be more exciting to camp in the woods that lay beyond the river. Excitedly, the boys went away _ _ _ _ _ _ their tent and food. Carrying their heavy load, the two brothers walked along the riverbank. As they entered the cool, shadowy woods, they began to _ _ _ _ _ _ a suitable camping spot. Finally, Peter followed his brother deeper into the woods. They put up their tent, and settled down to eat the sandwiches they had made, then decided to find their way back to the river to catch some fish. However, they were a long distance from where they were _ _ _ _ _ _ to be. They were not even sure of where they had _ _ _ _ _ _ their camp. They sat in disappointment for a few minutes until Peter had a bright idea.1、A. search forB. supposedC. set upD. fromE. with2、A. set upB. supposedC. withD. fromE. search for3、A. search forB. supposedC. fromD. set upE. with4、A. fromB. withC. set upD. supposedE. search for5、A. search forB. supposedC. withD. fromE. set up统考英语B
  • 程序代码:text1.text = “UESTC”中,Text1,Text,“UESTC”分别代表( )(A) 对象,值,属性 (B) 对象,方法,属性 (C) 对象,属性,值 (D) 属性,对象,值VB程序设计
  • 购销合同的标的是指( )(A) 货币 (B) 商品 (C) 劳务 (D) 酬金应用写作
  • 下列选项中,属于特殊地域管辖的是:( )(A) 因不动产提起的诉讼 (B) 因停产停业提起的诉讼 (C) 因确认发明专利权提起的诉讼 (D) 对国务院某部门具体行政行为不服提起的诉讼行政法
  • 阳台栏杆的高度,对于中、高层住宅可以为( ) (A)1050mm(B)1100mm(C)900mm(D)1000mm[参考答案:A]  分值:10得分: 分 系统自动批改于2020年5月17日 0点27分 建筑设计基础
  • —Jack still can’t help being anxious about his job interview. —Lack of self-confidence is his _ _ _ Achilles’ heel _ _ _ , I am afraid.(A) 对 (B) 错大学英语(三)