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 高等继续教育 / 企业管理


  • 试析学校的道德环境的教育功能。德育教育
  • 入侵检测系统可以代替防火墙系统执行整个网络的访问控制策略。 计算机网络
  • 1[翻译题] In the traditional marriage, the man worked at a job to earn money for the family. Most men worked in an office, a factory or some other places away from home. Since the man earned the money, he paid the bills. The man made the decisions. He was the boss.   In the traditional marriage, the woman seldom worked away from the house. She stayed at home to care for the children and her husband. Her job at home was very important.   In recent years, many couples continue to have a traditional relationship of this kind. The man has a job and earns the money for the family. The woman stays at home and cares for the children and the house. Many Americans are happy with this kind of marriage. But some other Americans have a different impression of marriage and family responsibilities.英语
  • 行业中,潜在竞争者的威胁程度取决于进入壁垒主要包括:(  )等。小企业管理
  • 学校管理常规不包括()学校管理学
  • 6、太阳灶能够烹饪食物是利用()。 A. 柴火 B. 通电 C. 太闭辐射 D. 液化气太阳能热利用原理与技术