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 国家开放大学 / 建筑测量

5.A、B的往测为210.41m,返测为210.35m ,其相对误差为





  • TH1细胞在炎症反应中最重要的作用是 医学免疫学
  • 6. 公共生活有序化对经济社会发展有何重要意义?思想道德修养与法律基础
  • 36、Young people have a new shape these days. They are about 20 pounds heavier than people of their age were 60 years ago. They are about four inches taller, too. These facts come from J. M. Tanner, a professor in England. J. M. Tanner has been measuring people from all over the world for a long time. He has also studied people's growth records of the past 100 years. "Children today are bigger than ever before," he says. "Today's nine-year-olds look like eleven-year-olds looked back in 1900." According to Tanner, adults are also taller than ever before. But the biggest change can be seen in young people. That's because boys used to keep on growing until they reached age 26. But today they stop growing at 18 or 19. Most girls stop growing even earlier. So today's teenagers are bigger than 26-year-olds were 60 years ago. What is causing this change? Professor Tanner says it's proper food. Good food alone cannot make you grow beyond your natural limits. Your final height is partly caused by the height of your parents and grandparents. But eating proper food can help you reach your final height, and reach it early in life. Will people keep on getting bigger? Will we have a race of giants? No - at least not if the US is an example. Tanner says that we have eaten proper food for years, and our growth rate has already begun to level off.统考英语阅读理解
  • 21、控制计算机各部分进行各种操作,并协调各部分的工作的部件是______。 A.运算器 B.存储器 C.控制器 D.输入设备计算机统考
  • LED发光的需要加正向电压比LD的正向电压小正确错误光纤通信
  • 某地要新建火车站,甲判断站址会选在A地,邃在该地买楼一座,准备将来车站建成后以此楼开旅店营利。但到时火车站却是建在B地,甲的购房行为因此()。 形势与政策