>> 成人高等教育 / 线性代数
题型描述: 十选项完形填空Crime is everywhere. In our neighborhood, in the neighboring state, wherever we look, we find criminals and crime. Criminals have _ _ _ _ _ a part of our daily lives. Does this mean we let them be the darkness of our society? No, definitely not. Eliminating crime and criminals is our duty, and we cannot ignore it. Getting the rightly accused to a just _ _ _ _ _ is very important. Some criminals commit a crime because they have no other option to survive, but some do it for fun. I do not advocate for everybody. A person _ _ _ _ _ stole bread from a grocery store, definitely does not deserve the death penalty. However, a serial killer, who kills people for fun or for his personal gain, definitely deserves it. The death penalty should continue _ _ _ _ _ eliminate the garbage of our society. Not everybody deserves to die, but some people surely do. I support the death penalty because of several reasons. Firstly, I believe that it serves as a deterrent and helps in _ _ _ _ _ crime. Secondly, it is true that it is irreversible, but it is hard to kill a wrongly convicted person due to the several chances given to the convicted to prove his innocence. Thirdly, the death penalty assures safety of the society by eliminating these criminals. Finally, I believe in “a life for a life”.1、 A. reducing B. who C. punishmen E. become D. in order to 2、 A. in order to B. who C. reducing D. punishmen E. become 3、 A. reducing B. punishmen E. become C. who D. in order to 4、 A. in order to B. punishmen E. become C. who D. reducing 5、 A. in order to B. who C. reducing D. punishmen E. become统考英语B 1978年以来的两个解放思想,实事求是的宣言书是指:答:( )(A) 1978年《解放思想,实事求是,团结一致向前看》的讲话 (B) 1982年邓小平在十二大提出的“走自己的道路,建设有中国特色社会主义” (C) 十二届三中全会提出的社会主义商品经济理论 (D) 十三大提出的社会主义初级阶段理论 (E) 1992年的邓小平“南方谈话”毛泽东思想与中国特色社会主义理论体系 对船舶所有权登记的表述中,不正确的是 ( ) (A) 船舶所有权的取得、转让和消灭都必须向船舶登记机关登记 (B) 正在建造中的船舶也应进行船舶所有权登记 (C) 中国对船舶所有权登记的效力采“登记生效主义” (D) 船舶要在中国登记必须和中国有真实的联系商法学 (A)(B)(C)(D)工程制图 Henry looked very much _ _ _ _ _ when he was caught cheating in the biology exam.A.puzzledB.discouragedC.disappointedD.embarrassed统考英语B 《中华民国临时约法》规定:中华民国主权属于国民全体,其实际意义在于A、标志着中国确立了三权分立的民主共和政体B、否定了君主专制制度C、确立了民主共和的主张D、人民政治上翻了身中国近现代史纲要