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 国家开放大学 / 管理英语2



Mary began playing the violin when she was only six. Her father came across a really old instrument at his aunt’s house, and he brought it back home with him. Mary loved it and immediately tried to play it. After a few months she began to have lessons. She got on very well with the violin. When she was about eleven, she really needed a better violin. One day she took part in a concert, and a man went up to her parents and talked to them about her. He said that she had real talent and pointed out that she needed a better violin. When he found out that they couldn’t afford one, he offered to buy one for her. Later, when she was about 16, she set up her own group. She named it after the man who gave her the violin----she called it the Erio Sound.

1. Mary’s father


A. bought the violin from a shop

B. borrowed the violin from a friend

C. got the violin from his aunt

2. Mary began to need a better violin when she was about


A. 10

B. 11

C. 12

3. The man at the concert told Mary’s parents that


A. she had real talent

B. her voice was very good

C. She needed a better teacher

4. Mary

when she was 16.

A. graduated

B. set up her own group

C. had a new violin

5. Eric Sound was the name of


A. Mary’s violin

B. Mary’s music group

C. Mary’s friend

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