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 成人高等教育 / 中华优秀传统文化

  • A、
  • B、
  • C、
  • D、
  • (单选题) A Westerner will call someone a pig if he _ _ _ _ _ _ _ that man A、dislikesB、is afraid ofC、 looks up toD、 makes fun of大学英语(一)
  • 李某是不能辨认自己行为的精神病人,当他被执法车辆撞伤后,赔偿请求人应该是( )。A、李某父母 B、李某配偶C、李某成年兄弟姐妹 D、李某本人行政法与行政诉讼法
  • 脆性材料的延伸率( )(A) 小于5% (B) 小于等于5% (C) 大于5% (D) 大于等于5%工程力学
  • 题型描述: 阅读理解When I was a little girl, my brothers and I collected stamps for many years. My mother didn't use to work during the week, but she worked in the post office near our house on Saturdays, and she used to bring home all the new stamps as soon as they were issued (发行).On the day of the World Cup football final in London in 1966, we were very excited because England were playing West Germany in the final. When we were having lunch, my mother told us to go to the post office straightaway after the match if England won, but she didn't tell us why. At 2 o'clock my mother went back to work as usual, while the rest of the family were watching the football on TV at home. Although she wasn't watching the match, she was listening to it on the radio. England won 4:2 and so my brothers and I ran to the post office. As we burst in, my mother was standing behind the counter. She was waiting to sell us a very special limited edition with ENGLAND WINNERS on each stamp. We were over the moon.We still have it today,and perhaps it is worth a lot of money. 1、 What is the best title for this passage?  A. A Memorable Experience in Collecting Stamps B. My Childhood C. A Precious Stamp D. My Mother 2、 What does the sentence "We were over the moon." mean?  A. We jumped high. B. We watched the moon for a long time. C. We couldn't sleep the whole night. D. We were extremely happy about it. 3、 heir mother told them to go to the post office straightaway after the match if England won, but she didn't tell them why. Why do you think she did that? A. She thought it unnecessary to tell them the reason. B. She forgot to do that. C. She wanted to give them a surprise. D. She doubted if she would get the stamps. 4、 According to the passage, her mother worked in the post office _ _ _ _ _ _ . A. during the week B. for six days C. on Sundays D. on Saturdays 5、 This passage mainly tells us _ _ _ _ _ _ . A. the author had a very kind mother B. their mother used to support them by working in the post office C. the author and her brothers had an unforgettable experience in collecting stamps D. the author and her brother used to like stamps very much统考英语B
  • 对模件进行吹扫时,吹扫用的压缩空气须干燥无水.无油污,压力一般宜控制在______MPa左右;清洁用吸尘器须有足够大的功率,以便及时吸走扬起的灰尘;设备清洗须使用______。( )A、0.08 酒精 B、0.05 专用清洗剂 C、0.1 清洗剂 D、0.03 特殊清洗剂计算机控制系统
  • 55、FTP隶属于______协议组。 A.HTML B.TCP/IP C.HTTP D.FILE计算机统考