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 高等继续教育 / 语文教学研究


  • 题干二、阅读理解:阅读下面的短文,根据文章内容从A、B、C三个选项中选出一个最佳选项。       Man is a land animal, but he is also closely tied to the sea. Throughout history the sea has served the needs of man. The sea has provided man with food and a convenient way to travel to many parts of the world. Today, nearly two—thirds of the world's population live within 80 kilometers of the sea coast. In the modern technological world, the sea offers many resources to help mankind survive. Resources on land are beginning to be used up. The sea, however, still can be hoped to supply many of man's needs. The list of riches of the sea yet to be developed by man's technology is impressive. Oil and gas explorations have been carried out for nearly 30 years. Valuable amounts of minerals exist on the ocean floor ready to be mined (开采). Fish farming promises to be a good way to produce large quantities of food. The culture of fish and shellfish is an ancient skill practiced in the past mainly by Oriental people. Besides oil and gas, the sea may offer new sources of energy. Experts believe that the warm temperature of the ocean can be used in a way similar to the steam in a steamship. Ocean currents (水流) and waves offer possible use as a source of energy. Technology is enabling man to explore ever more deeply under the sea. The development of strong, new materials has made this possible. The technology to harvest the sea continues to improve. Experts believe that by the year 2000 the problems that prevent us from exploiting fully the food, minerals, and energy sources of the sea will be largely solved. 1. The major things that the sea offers man are 回答ABC正确获得3.00分中的3.00分. A. fish and oil B. warm temperature and ocean currents C. the food, energy sources, and minerals  2. The sea serves the needs of man because 回答ABC正确获得3.00分中的3.00分. A. in provides man with food B. it supplies man with minerals C. all of the above 3. We can conclude from this passage that 回答ABC正确获得3.00分中的3.00分. A. the sea resources have largely been used up B. the sea, in the broad sense, has not yet been developed C. the problems that prevent us from using the food, minerals, and energy sources of the sea have already been solved. 4. The underlined words Oriental people in the fourth paragraph probably mean 回答ABC正确获得3.00分中的3.00分. A. the people in Asia       B. African people       C. European people      5. The best title for this passage is 回答ABC正确获得3.00分中的3.00分. A. Sea Harvest B. Technology for Exploiting the Sea C. Man and the Sea理工英语3
  • 小张的父亲老张与钱某商定,钱某免去老张以前所欠累计8万元的债务,老张将小张嫁给钱某,并已经将婚姻登记手续办妥。其行为是( ) 婚姻家庭继承法
  • 人类社会经济发展的基本资源是( )。信息经济学
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  • 5、中国古代哲人荀子说:“天行有常不为尧存不为桀亡”这是一种() A. 宿命论的观点 B. 唯意志论的观点 C. 朴素唯物论的观点 D. 机械唯物论的观点毛泽东思想与中国特色社会主义理论体系
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