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 高等继续教育 / 测试技术

题型描述: 单选题
( )是指利用被测缓变信号来控制或改变高频震荡波的某个参数,使其按被测信号的规律变化,以利于信号的放大与传输
  • 15. The Hispanic population grows so rapidly because of the following factors except_____.   A、its cultural reluctance to practice family planning   B、the development of American medical care   C、its relative youth   D、the constant inflow of new immigrants, legal and illegal, mostly over the Mexican border中石油
  • 10[单选题] 下列中的( )是电擦除可编程只读存储器。 A.RAM B.EPROM C.EEPROM D.ROM化工仪表及自动化
  • 小概率事件在一次观察中,可认为不会发生。这里的小概率指( )预防医学
  • 10. 起重机进行起重作业过程中,正确的操作是______。   A、歪拉斜吊   B、汽车起重机带载行驶   C、物件上站人起吊   D、吊载移动时,打铃警示中石油
  • 题型描述: 阅读理解James is a middle-aged New York builder. He’s lonely. Just like everyone else, James needs human contact from time to time, and he’s found a way: at cuddle (拥抱) parties. New York can be a terrible place: it has a high murder rate and some seriously disturbed people living in it. But James says he’s comfortable at a New York apartment with twenty strange people. The floor of the “cuddle zone” is soon covered with complete strangers snuggling (依偎) and cuddling, but that’s as far as it goes. Cuddle parties are the latest trend for lonely, isolated city folks who want to meet people and become safely intimate. The safety comes from rules before you come, bring clean clothes, ask permission before you cuddle, and keep your clothes on. “We have ‘cuddle lifeguards’ to make sure everyone sticks to the rules,” says Mihalko. The lifeguards make sure nobody gets out of line, and everyone goes home feeling better than when they arrived. Once the cuddle party is in full swing, people are soon crawling on top of one another, stretching out like dogs ready for a nap. Mihalko admits that the whole idea “might seem a little odd” at first. But research has shown that being touched by other people helps reduce stress and can help sick people heal faster.1.According to the passage, which of the following about James is true?A. He is oldB. He is rich and happy.C. He has established cuddle parties.D. He constructs buildings.2.What is the relationship among people at the cuddle parties?A. They are lovers.B. They do not know each other.C. They are relatives.D. They are friends.3.What do people do at the cuddle zone?A. They snuggle and hug.B. They cuddle and kiss.C. They cuddle and take off their clothes.D. They talk and cuddle.4.What should “cuddle lifeguards” make sure?A. Strangers should not cuddle each other.B. People can get out of line.C. People should not make friends in the parties.D. Everyone being cuddled should be glad to do so.5.From the passage, we can infer that _ _ _ _ _ _ _.A. New York is a terrible city to live inB. some Americans consider cuddling people they do not know a strange action at first.C. people in New York feel especially lonelyD. being touched by strangers does no good to human health专科英语I
  • 上皮组织内含有丰富的毛细血管。人体组织学与胚胎学