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 高等继续教育 / 英语(二)


When a conductor in Spain asked to see her train ticket, Janet Loops, and exercise instructor from Palo Alto, Calif., reached for her purse and discovered her wallet was gone. She had no ticket, passport, credit cards, traveler’s checks, cash. It took nearly a week to get a new passport and traveler’s checks. Her trip was almost ruined.

To guard against such disasters, especially overseas, some experts suggest carrying your money and documents in a small, flat pouch around your neck and tucked under your clothing. A fanny pack can be used if carried in front, but be alert it can be cut off. Other possible ways to foil pickpockets: Wrap rubber bands around a wallet to make it harder to lift from a pocket. Have zippers sewn into your blazer pocket.

The key is to stay alert and “pack your common sense,” says Alfred Boza, a Miami Beach police detective. Know, for instance, that the honest-looking woman you ask to take your picture might run away with your camera. Or that thieves could be watching for you to leave your bags unattended briefly at airport security checkpoints.

1. Janet Loops _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .

   A. had not bought her ticket                       B. was a traveler

   C. was a train conductor                          D. had her wallet robbed

2. It is _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ for overseas to keep their money and documents safe.

   A. difficult       B. precarious      C. possible      D. perilous

3. “Be alert” in Paragraph 2 means _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .

   A. be careful                             B. be watchful and ready to meet danger

   C. be alternative                          D. be ready to stop thief

4. If you are a traveler, you should _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .

   A. not ask others to take your picture

   B. put your passport, credit cards traveler’s checks and cash individually

   C. not carry cash on you

   D. stay alert and pack your common sense

5. The best title for the passage may be _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .

   A. How to Travel                          B. How to Keep Money Safe

   C. Watch for Thieves                       D. Guard Against Disasters

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