1.  >>  高等继续教育 / 计算机组成原理
 高等继续教育 / 计算机组成原理

A、A. 相对寻址
B、C. 立即寻址
C、D. 寄存器寻址
D、B. 间接寻址
  • 西方封建社会的教育主要是()和()。(A) 教会学校 (B) 斯巴达教育 (C) 骑士教育 (D) 雅典教育小学教育学
  • 9、The game of football began in England in the middle of the nineteenth century. But the Chinese played a game _ _ 21 _ _ football over 2000 years ago. In the beginning, it was very _ _ 22 _ _ and dangerous. There were not a fixed number of players and there was always a lot of fighting. In 1863 the Football Association was founded to bring _ _ 23 _ _ to the game. Since then, millions have played football, making it the world's most _ _ 24 _ _ sport. It's the strongest in Europe and South America, but it is popular in Africa as well and now is played also by women; women's football is one of the fastest growing sports in the world. The World Cup is the most important _ _ 25 _ _ in international football. The competition is held every four years at different countries around the world. The first competition was held in 1930 and the winner was Uruguay(乌拉圭).统考英语完型填空
  • 题型描述: 英语对话 A: Do you mind if I record your lecture? B: _ _ _ _ _ _ . Go ahead.A.No.You’dbetternotB.NowayC.NotatallD.Nevermind统考英语B
  • (A)(B)(C)(D)[参考答案:B]  分值:4(A)(B)(C)(D)概率论与数理统计
  • 高速铁路新型检票模式不包含(    )(A) 进站自动检票 (B) 出站自动检票 (C) 上车后检票 (D) 车站人工验票高速铁路运营管理
  • 总结提高能提高班级管理绩效(A) 肯定成绩,概括经验 (B) 承认不足,吸取教训 (C) 分析取得成绩原因 (D) 巩固成绩、发扬优点 (E) 探索必然,揭示规律班主任工作