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 河南成教 / 常微分方程





  • 题型描述: 十选项完形填空Before you travel, you’d better do some travel planning. Life on the road will be _ _ _ _ _ if you know what you need. The first thing is to get the _ _ _ _ _ you need for student travel. You probably need a passport, a tourist visa, an international work visa, an international driver’s license and more. Secondly, you should learn about student travel safety and health. Student travel is _ _ _ _ _ safe as you make it; in the words of one experienced traveler, “Stay safe but don’t stay home!” And, with _ _ _ _ _ precautions, you will be as healthy and safe when you travel as you are at home. It’s an unfortunate fact _ _ _ _ _ women travelers need to travel with special care, especially internationally. Females are more _ _ _ _ _ to be the victims of crimes. Thieves often think females _ _ _ _ _ easier targets for theft than men. After all, they are the weaker sex. The most obvious solution is sticking _ _ _ _ _ the safer parts of town, but you’ll miss adventure if you do. Consider _ _ _ _ _ deserted streets after dark; if you can’t, then carry a small, heavy flashlight in your hand. Be careful on dark streets _ _ _ _ _ you have a companion.1、 A. hard B. easy C. easier D. harder 2、 A. books B. resources C. goods D. documents 3、 A. so B. at C. as D. in 4、 A. few B. little C. a little D. a few 5、 A. how B. why C. which D. that 6、 A. like B. possible C. likely D. than 7、 A. over B. as C. so D. of 8、 A. of B. to C. on D. in 9、 A. avoiding B. turning C. living D. changing 10、 A. even if B. if C. although D. as统考英语A
  • 某建筑工程,业主投保了建筑工程-一切险。工程竣I移交后,在合同约定保险期限内发生地震,造成部分建筑物损坏,业主向保险公司提出索赔。则应由()。 建设工程法规及相关知识
  • 3[填空题] 自然人甲通过签订合同授权自然人乙代理其进行证券投资,此种代理属于______。建筑法规与合同管理
  • 按快捷键Ctrl+S的功能是( ) A. 粘贴文字 B. 保存文件 C. 删除文字 D. 复制文字 计算机统考
  • 名词解释 事皆决于法中国法律思想史
  • [填空题] 构成艺术的形式分为( )、色彩构成、立体构成和光构成四类。构成设计