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 高等继续教育 / 中国近代政治思想史

题型描述: 单选题
鸦片战争时期经世派人物中( )把传统的重本抑末、重农抑商思想发展到极致。
  • 12[名词解释题] 边际收益 西方经济学
  • 2[写作题] Directions: The following passage is incomplete with one body paragraph missing.Study the passage carefully and write the missing paragraph in about 100 words.Make sure that your tone and diction are in unity with the passage provided. The following passage is incomplete with one body paragraph missing.Study the passage carefully and write the missing paragraph in about 100 words.Make sure that your tone and diction are in unity with the passage provided. Why People Should ExerciseIn the past, I had never been inclined to participate in sports. Honestly, I didn’t like it, but many persons whom I lived with kept telling me every day how good it was. Since the peer pressure was growing, I decided to go to the gym. It wasn’t until then that I could really understand people when they said exercise really helped a person get organized and keep healthy, physically and mentally. For starters, if you are a lazy person, it is difficult to take the first step. But it is all a matter of committing yourself to something that will provide you with much positive feedback. Once you start exercising and observing positive results, you will actually enjoy it. It takes much effort and a strong will, but it’s worth it. The principal thing to do is to take up a sport you like. If you do, you will start organizing your day in a way that enables you to do whatever you have to, including exercising. You will no longer be a person stressed-out without time to carry on with all your activities. Moreover, exercising is good because it affects you positively in a mental and psychological way. Exercising helps you set specific goals which, along with a strong will, can be achieved. When reaching the goals, you come to know your abilities and your weaknesses, and your self-esteem is enhanced. Any sport relieves stress because it distracts you from thinking about school, work, or your problems, among other things. It helps keep you uplifted and avoid unhealthy habits like indulgence in TV and computer games. Exercising is very important to any person of any age. The positive effects, which I’ve already mentioned, are like a chain. Once you take up a sport that you like, you become better organized. Therefore, you start doing things the right way and enjoy enormous benefits. As a result, you feel good as a healthy human being. You start living your life happily.河南理工大学
  • 26. 绝大部分金属发生大气腐蚀、土壤腐蚀和海水腐蚀时的阴极反应都为氧去极化腐蚀   正确   错误中石油
  • 应用倒角命令“chamfer”进行倒角操作时(   )。 机械制图与CAD
  • 10[单选题] 通过队生产、测度、监控、偷闲等一系列概念来建立企业理论的是 A..科斯 B.阿尔钦 C..威廉姆森 D.张五常产业经济学
  • 各国在专属经济区内享有( )国际公法