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 河南成教 / 思想道德与法治






  • 1[单选题] 断定“这个S是P”与“这个S不是P”同真,则( A.违反同一律 B.违反不矛盾律 C.违反排中律 D.不违反普通逻辑基本规律普通逻辑学
  • 题型描述: 阅读理解Peter wondered why he didn't have many friends. The reason was he was always taking, never giving. One day Peter told Bill, “I'd like to give a party on Saturday, I'd like you to come and bring Martha, too.”“Thanks, Peter. We'd be happy to come.”“Perhaps you'd like to bring your violin. You and Martha sing well together. I'm sure everyone will want you to sing for us.”That was how Peter began to plan his party. Next he asked another friend, Betty, to bring a cake.“You make the best cake in the world, Betty, and I like to eat your cake better than have one from the bakery.”Peter invited a few other friends to come to his party. He didn't forget to ask something from each one of them. He even asked Jim and Mary Jackson to let him give the party at their house! They agreed. The party was a big success. However, as the guests were leaving, they said“Thank you ”to Bill and Martha for the music, Betty for the cake, the Jacksons for the use of the house and to others for their hard work. To Peter they just said,“Thanks for the invitation.”1、 From the story, we can see Peter was a selfish man. A. FALSE B. TRUE 2、 Peter tried his best to give the party. A. FALSE B. TRUE 3、 All his friends liked Peter. A. TRUE B. FALSE 4、 The Jacksons did hard work for the party. A. TRUE B. FALSE 5、 The party was held at Peter's friend's house. A. TRUE B. FALSE统考英语B
  • 9、宋朝的看详,是中央主管官署根据过去敕文或其他案卷所作出的决定。 A、正确 B、错误中国法制史
  • 以下属于中国居民纳税人的是( )。英国人丁2000年1月1日入境,2000年11月20日离境至12月31日美国人甲2000年9月1日入境,2001年10月1日离境法国人丙2000年1月1日入境,2001年1月20日离境日本人乙来华学习180天个人理财
  • 169、计算机最早的设计是应用于______。 A.数据处理 B.过程控制 C.辅助设计 D.科学计算计算机统考
  • [多选题] 下列功能中属于家庭教育功能的是( ) A.娱乐功能 B.组织生产 C.培养社会角色 D.繁衍后代中学语文教学法