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3. “阶段不能逾越,程序不能打乱”是执行勘探程序中应遵循的( )原则。
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  • 下列属于直觉思维的主要特征的是( )。a. 随机性b. 非逻辑性c. 突发性d. 潜意识性国家开放大学
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  • 题干二、阅读理解:阅读下面的对话,选择合适的内容将对话补充完整。 Sam: Hi. How’s your report coming along? Katie: Not too bad, 回答A. You don’t need to go to the boss’s office to give him the U disk.B. I’ve already done about4000 words.C. Yeah, I also need to get the e-mail address of the team members who need a copy.D. No, I’m not sure how he wants it, a hard copy, on U disk or by email.E. Have you managed to figure out how to use that scanner yet?正确获得10.00分中的10.00分    Sam: It’s nearly finished, isn’t it? Katie: Yeah, I’ve got to check the spelling, then scan and insert a few pictures,do a bit more copy and paste from other files, and it will be done. Sam: 回答A. You don’t need to go to the boss’s office to give him the U disk.B. I’ve already done about4000 words.C. Yeah, I also need to get the e-mail address of the team members who need a copy.D. No, I’m not sure how he wants it, a hard copy, on U disk or by email.E. Have you managed to figure out how to use that scanner yet?正确获得10.00分中的10.00分   Katie: Ha, yeah. Eventually I had to ask my secretary to tell me how to use it. Sam: Have you run off a copy of the report for the boss yet? Katie: 回答A. You don’t need to go to the boss’s office to give him the U disk.B. I’ve already done about4000 words.C. Yeah, I also need to get the e-mail address of the team members who need a copy.D. No, I’m not sure how he wants it, a hard copy, on U disk or by email.E. Have you managed to figure out how to use that scanner yet?正确获得10.00分中的10.00分  Sam: Maybe an e-mail would be the easiest if the file size is not too large. 回答A. You don’t need to go to the boss’s office to give him the U disk.B. I’ve already done about4000 words.C. Yeah, I also need to get the e-mail address of the team members who need a copy.D. No, I’m not sure how he wants it, a hard copy, on U disk or by email.E. Have you managed to figure out how to use that scanner yet?正确获得10.00分中的10.00分  He can read it on his computer when he has the time. It saves paper, too. Katie: 回答A. You don’t need to go to the boss’s office to give him the U disk.B. I’ve already done about4000 words.C. Yeah, I also need to get the e-mail address of the team members who need a copy.D. No, I’m not sure how he wants it, a hard copy, on U disk or by email.E. Have you managed to figure out how to use that scanner yet?正确获得10.00分中的10.00分  理工英语2
  • 下列有关收入确认的会计处理中,不正确的是( )。 国家开放大学