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 高等继续教育 / 统考英语B

题型描述: 英语对话
A: What about going for a walk after dinner?
B: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ A.Whynot?Agoodidea.
  • 中国第一个资产阶级革命团体和领导人是 A、 兴中会、黄兴 B、 同盟会、孙中山 C、 兴中会、孙中山 D、 光复会、黄兴中国近现代史纲要
  • 一般汽车的前轮轮胎气压比后轮低。( ) 汽车概论
  • 55、Johnny lived with his mother and father in a small town in the mountains. One day there was an earthquake near the town. Many houses were broken. Everyone thought that there would soon be another earthquake. They were worried that the second earthquake would be worse than the first. "We must send Johnny to a safe place," Johnny's mother said to her husband. "Many of our friends are sending their children to relatives in other towns." "We'll send him to my brother, Peter," Johnny's father said. "He lives a long way away. Johnny will be safe with him." He telephoned Johnny's uncle Peter and asked him if he would let Johnny live with him. "He is a good boy," he said. "He won't give you any trouble." "All right," Johnny's uncle Peter said. "But I'm not used to children. I live a very quiet and peaceful life." "You won't know Johnny's in the house," his father told him. So Johnny, who was eight, went to live with his uncle. Two days later, his mother and father received a telegram from Peter. It said, "A returning child. Please send earthquake."统考英语阅读理解
  • 9、在Windows 中,为迅速找到文件和文件夹,在“开始”菜单中应先使用的命令是______。 A.帮助和支持 B.搜索 C.所有程序 D.运行计算机统考
  • 33、通风能力对工作面长度的影响取决于工作面(   )。 A、 风量 B、 涌水量 C、 瓦斯涌出量煤矿开采学
  • 贺铸《青玉案》“彩笔新题断肠句”用了关于(   )的典故。 A、 南朝江淹 B、 三国曹植 C、 南朝谢灵运 D、 唐代李贺中国古代文学(2)