1.  >>  国家开放大学 / 高级英语听说(1)
 国家开放大学 / 高级英语听说(1)

1.Listen and fill in the blanks.


Beth: I’m so stressed out. My landlord just raised my rent. I think I’ll have to move.

Ming: Really? You know, my building has some 1 (1). It’s a pretty nice place, and it’s just ten minutes from campus.

Beth: Oh yeah? How much is the rent for a studio?

Ming: There are no studio apartments in our building. My neighbor just 2 (2) out of a one-bedroom. He paid $ 3 (3) a month, I think.

Beth: That’s not 4 (4). Tell me more.

Ming: Well, one-bedrooms come with a 5 (5), a kitchen, a fireplace in the living room, pretty big closets, and uh… Are you looking for a furnished or unfurnished place?

Beth: Unfurnished. I have all my own 6 (6). What about parking and laundry?

Ming: There’s no garage. You have to 7 (7) on the street. But there is a laundry room downstairs.

Beth: Hmm. I think I’m 8 (8). Could you give me the address?

Ming: Sure. It’s 1213 Rose Avenue. The manager’s name is Mr Azizi. Call him 9 (9) or just stop by and talk to him.

Beth: Thanks, Ming. I’m going to do that tomorrow for 10 (10).
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