>> 成人高等教育 / 病原生物学
成人高等教育 / 病原生物学
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32、Once James Thornhill, a famous English painter, was asked to paint some pictures on the walls of the king's palace in England.
Then workers were sent for and a big platform(台子)was made.
With the help of a worker, Thornhill started painting on the platform. They worked for a whole year and at last the pictures were ready.
Thornhill was happy when he looked at the pictures, for they were really beautiful. He looked at them for a long time, and then took one step back and looked again. Now the pictures were even more beautiful. He took another step, then another. Finally he was at the very edge of the platform, but he didn't know it because he was thinking of his pictures.
The worker saw everything. "What should I do?" he thought. "Thornhill was at the very edge of the platform. If I cry out, he will take another step, fall off it and surely be killed. "So the worker quickly took some paint(漆)and threw it at the pictures.
"What are you doing?" cried the painter, running quickly forward to his pictures.统考英语阅读理解 农夫卖玉米 一个农夫在集市上卖玉米。因为他的玉米棒子特别大,籽粒饱满,所以吸引了一大批买主。其中有一位买主在挑选的过程中发现很多玉米棒子上都有虫子,于是他故意大惊小怪地说:“伙计,你的玉米棒子倒是不小,可虫子太多了,你想卖玉米虫子呀?你还是把玉米弄回家吧。” 买主一边说着,一边做着夸张而滑稽的动作,把众人都逗乐了。农夫见状,一把从他手中夺过玉米,面带微笑却又一本正经地说:“朋友,我看你连玉米质量的好坏都分不清。玉米上有虫子,这说明我在种植中没有施用农药,是绿色食品,连虫子都爱吃我的玉米棒子。可见你这人不识货!”接着,他又对其他的人说:“各位都是有见识的人,你们评评理,连虫子都不愿意吃的玉米棒子就好么?比这小的玉米比这就好么?价钱比这高的玉米棒子就好么?那么在仔细瞧瞧,我这些虫子只是在玉米棒子上打了一个洞而已,棒子可还是好棒子啊!” 农夫的一席话,把他的玉米棒子个大、好吃,虽然有虫但是售价低这些特点表达出来了。众人被他的话说的心服口服,纷纷掏出钱来,一会儿工夫,农夫的玉米销售一空。农夫为什么面对顾客的非议能够变不利为有利?2.农夫满足了消费者的什么需求?现代推销技术 接触牛痘疫苗后产生对天花的抵抗性,这反映了 免疫学基础 1945年10月10日,国共双方签署了双十协定,确定的基本方针是A.继续内战B.维护现状C.再造民国D.和平建国中国近现代史纲要 HIV最易发生变异的部位是: A、 核衣壳 B、 衣壳 C、 刺突糖蛋白 D、 内分泌功能紊乱 E、 机体屏障功能破坏如烧伤、创伤等病原生物学 对于两轴联动的数控车床,两轴分别指X坐标轴和Y坐标轴。正确错误数控加工技术