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 成人高等教育 / 形势与政策

全国各地和军队援鄂医疗队总人数的近七成是护士,2.86 万名护士奋战在一线,实施( )精准护理。
  • A、
  • B、
  • C、
  • D、
  • 没有崇高的(    ),就会导致精神上的“软骨病” 思想道德与法治
  • 当草图为激活状态时,草图原点显示为红色,代表草图的原点 (0,0,0) 坐标,常将原点作为定位点。正确错误机械工程制图及Solidworks应用
  • 患者王某,女,32岁,右小腿骨折,因担心术后留下后遗症,精神紧张、焦虑而出现失眠。针对此患者,以下措施正确的是() A、 创造良好的睡眠环境 B、 建立良好的睡眠习惯 C、 减轻心理压力 D、 保持身体舒适 E、 合理安排作息时间基础护理学
  • 20、Morgan Rees has always been a good businessman. He used to own three petrol stations and was busy most of the time. When he was 65, the normal retirement age, he decided that he didn't want to stop, so he carried on working for another two years. Eventually, when he was nearly 68, his wife, Dolly, asked him to retire because she wanted to enjoy their old age together. Reluctantly, he handed over the business to his son. But he was unhappy. He didn't know what to do with himself. Although he read a lot of books and he went on holiday to interesting places with his wife, he was bored and began to get depressed because he hated being retired. Then one day he saw an advertisement in the newspaper and, without telling his wife, he bought a small crockery (陶器) factory. The next week he told his family. They were horrified and worried. They thought he was too old at 71 to start work again. He is now 76 and he has expanded the company considerably. He has increased the number of staff from 6 to 24 and he has found many new customers for the products. He has developed the export market and has improved profits by 200%. He has opened a new design office and employed three young designers. They have been all over the world to get new ideas, and one of them has gone to France this week to a major trade fair. Most importantly, he hasn't been bored since he bought the factory.统考英语阅读理解
  • 7. 在跨系统转汇中,若汇出行和汇入行所在地均为单设机构地区,应采用( )方式转汇。 A.先横后直 B.先直后横 C.先直后横再直 D.先横后直再横A、选项CB、选项BC、选项AD、选项EE、选项DF、选项F银行会计学
  • 实际评估时,对于重置成本很高的车辆,最好采用使用年限法求成新率。 二手车鉴定与评估