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 高等继续教育 / 现代课程与教学论

  • The classroom was silent _ _ _ _ _ the busy scratching of pens on paper. (A) besides (B) apart from (C) except for (D) except大学英语(四)
  • 不属于《论十大关系》讨论范畴的是: 毛泽东思想和中国特色社会主义理论体系概论
  • 23、A dolphin(海豚)is always well-known as a clever and friendly animal. Recently another amazing(令人惊奇的) discovery made by the British marine(海洋的)biologist (生物学家) Alexis shows that dolphins, to our surprise, keep in touch with each other by calling each other's names among themselves something like human beings. Alexis recorded over 1700 different kinds of dolphins' calls and made a careful analysis of them. The analysis shows each dolphin has his own sound signal referring specially to himself and used all the time when he gets in touch with others. What's more, one dolphin is even able to imitate another's cry in more or less the same way as sometimes human beings do while talking with birds, which is believed to be an important step towards language from animals' calls.统考英语阅读理解
  • 54、I came back because of the rain.统考英语句子翻译
  • 实变函数
  • 文化的多元性是跨文化谈判的物质基础。 电子商务谈判