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 成人高等教育 / 英语(二)

What day is today

Today is _ _ _ _ .

  • A、

    March 25th

  • B、


  • C、


  • D、


  • 一般情况下,Excel默认的显示格式居中对齐的是() A、 数值型数据 B、 字符型数据 C、 逻辑型数据 D、 不确定计算机应用基础
  • 11、In the eighteenth century young ladies in Italy knew history and geography little. Once the French officer in Rome was giving a ball to which many important people were invited. The Italian Minister(大臣) came very late. A young lady, who knew him, saw him enter the ball-room and asked why he was so late. "Oh, nothing important," answered the Minister. " Our head forgot to take his letters with him and went back to his hotel to bring them. If he had left them in Brazil we should have had to wait at least six months for them." "Is Brazil so far from Rome?" asked the lady, who knew very little geography. "It is in the New World," said the Minister. "In the New World?" repeated the lady in great surprise. "Yes, in the New World, which was discovered by Christopher Columbus." When the young lady heard this, she rushed into the middle of the ball-room and shouted as loud as she could: "Ladies and gentlemen, have you heard the latest news? A new world has just been discovered by a certain Christopher Columbus."统考英语阅读理解
  • 异面体不属于基本几何体 () 三维动画制作
  • 战略制订是企业的最高决策机构按照一定的程序和方法,为企业选择、制订合适的经营战略的过程。其一般包括( )等三个阶段。 企业战略管理
  • (单选题) ( )I wonder _ _ _ _ _ we could have a talk after the meeting. A、whichB、whyC、thatD、if英语I
  • 法国国有铁路的最高权利机构是公司董事会,公司总部是隶属于董事会的行政业务管理机构。(    )(A) 正确 (B) 错误高速铁路运营管理