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读下面程序,给出最后屏幕输出结果。public class BitwiseDemo { static final int VISIBLE = 1; static final int DRAGGABLE = 2; static final int SELECTABLE = 4; static final int EDITABLE = 8; public static void main(String[] args) { int flags = 0; flags = flags | VISIBLE; flags = flags | DRAGGABLE; if ((flags & VISIBLE) == VISIBLE) { if ((flags & DRAGGABLE) == DRAGGABLE) { System.out.println("Flags are Visible and Draggable."); } }flags = flags | EDITABLE; if ((flags & EDITABLE) == EDITABLE) { System.out.println("Flags are now also Editable."); } }}
读下面程序,给出最后屏幕输出结果。 public class BitwiseDemo {    static final int VISIBLE = 1;                 static final int DRAGGABLE = 2;    static final int SELECTABLE = 4;          static final int EDITABLE = 8;    public static void main(String[] args)    {        int flags = 0;        flags = flags | VISIBLE;        flags = flags | DRAGGABLE;        if ((flags & VISIBLE) == VISIBLE) {            if ((flags & DRAGGABLE) == DRAGGABLE) {                 System.out.println("Flags are Visible and Draggable.");            }        } flags = flags | EDITABLE;        if ((flags & EDITABLE) == EDITABLE) {    System.out.println("Flags are now also Editable.");        }    }}

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