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 高等继续教育 / 电子商务


  • 1、简述详查法的优缺点及适用范围。审计学
  • 可以使用ls命令来查看目录的内容。Linux操作系统
  • 模块内聚度越高,说明模块内各成分彼此结合的程序越______ 。 软件测试
  • 6[翻译题] It is obvious that television has both advantages and disadvantages. In the first place, television is not only a convenient source of pleasure, but also a quite cheap one. For a family of four, for example, it is more convenient as well as cheaper to sit comfortably at home, with so many interesting programs available, than to go out for something else. There is no transport to arrange. They do not have to pay for expensive seats at the theatre, or the like, only to discover, perhaps, that the show is disappointing. All they have to do is to turn a knob, and they can see plays and shows of every kind, not to mention the latest current events. Some people, however, maintain that this is just where the danger lies. Those who watch television need do noting. They are completely passive and have everything presented to them without any effort on their part.  英语(二)
  • Blood pressure is the ( ) applied against the walls of the arteries.护理英语II
  • 我国《建筑抗震设计规范》规定:设防烈度为7度、8度和9度区域的大跨度屋盖结构、长悬臂结构、烟囱及类似高耸结构和设防烈度为9度区域的高层建筑,应考虑竖向地震作用。建筑结构抗震设计