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 河南成教 / 结构力学






  • 教室只有一个电源接口,但要同时使用28个台灯,请问至少需要使用多少个4孔的接线板插座?A、10B、8C、9D、11离散数学
  • 6[单选题] 行政许可决定机关作出不予行政许可决定的,应当说明理由,并告知申请人依法享有在法定时间内申请行政复议或者提起( )的权利 A.法院调解 B.仲裁 C.行政诉讼 D.行政调解消费心理学
  • 光整加工的主要任务是提高被加工表面的尺寸精度和降低表面粗糙度,一般不能纠正形状和位置误差。模具制造工艺
  • 如果忘记了ls命令的用法,可以采用get ls获得帮助。正确错误Linux操作系统
  • 下列关于宪法本质表述正确的是? A、 宪法是人民权利的保障书 B、 宪法是民主制度化、法律化的基本形式 C、 宪法是各种政治力量对比关系的集中体现 D、 宪法是普世价值的集中体现宪法学
  • 1.Listen and fill in the blanks. 00:00/01:17 Ming: O.K. guys. Let’s warm up and stretch. We’ve got to work on balance and flexibility. Peter: So Ming. When did you get 1 (1) this Karate stuff? Kenji: Karate’s Japanese. Ming’s showing us Tae Kwon Do, and it’s Korean. Peter: Cool. So, what’s the 2 (2)? Ming: Tae Kwon Do uses hundreds of different 3 (3) moves. But Karate…well, Kenji, sounds like you know something about Karate. Kenji: Yeah – Karate uses more punches and 4 (4), too. Maybe you’ve seen guys break wooden boards with punches. You know, like… I learned that when I was in 5 (5). Peter: That’s great. I 6 (6) I could do that. So, Ming, why did you get into Tae Kwon Do? Ming: I had a Korean friend in 7 (7) school, and he said it could help me get in 8 (8) and build my confidence. So I tried it, and I really liked it. Peter: It looks like you succeeded. Ming: Well, I’m still working on it. I’ve really improved my 9 (9) and power. It also helps you 10 (10)—you’ll see. Peter: Awesome! Let’s get started.高级英语听说(1)