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 国家开放大学 / 个人理财

( )是信托的创设者,他应当是具有完全民事行为能力的自然人、法人或者依法成立的其他组织。




  • 1、在Windows 7中,关于文件夹的描述不正确的是______。 A.文件夹是用来组织和管理文件的 B.“计算机”是一个系统文件夹 C.文件夹中可以存放驱动程序文件 D.同一文件夹中可以存放两个同名文件计算机统考
  • 平面Q的水平投影投影具有积聚性,因此称之为(   )。 工程制图基础
  • 新兴产业中企业发展面临的问题包括( )。 企业战略管理
  • 31、下面属于被动攻击的技术手段是_________。 A.截取数据 B.密码破译 C.拒绝服务 D.流量分析计算机统考
  • 题型描述: 十选项完形填空I went to Beijing this National holiday, and it was an interesting _ _ _ _ _ of my life. My friends told us that taking the “hard seat” to Beijing would be really terrible. So we didn’t know what to expect. But we were pleasantly surprised when we finally boarded the _ _ _ _ , which was relatively modern and clean . During the 14-hour ride we ate peanuts and talked. It was not bad at all. It was morning when we arrived. We stepped out of the railway station, having sat in hard seats and not getting much sleep. However, we had energy. First we tried to get return tickets to Shanghai, but the tickets seller _ _ _ _ us that tickets would not be on _ _ _ _ for another two days. We were a little worried about getting _ _ _ _ , but we made up our minds to start for the hotel to put our bags down. After fighting our way past “gypsy” taxi (黑车) drivers that tried to _ _ _ _ _ us one hundred Yuan for the ride, we found a taxi and it only cost us thirty Yuan to get _ _ _ _ _ we had planned to go. When we reached the hotel, there was a window for airplane and train tickets. Somehow the man behind the counter could get tickets that day, which we _ _ _ _ . The most important lesson about China I ever _ _ _ _ _ , is to get someone to do your work for you, and it seems to work out much easier. We were not able to get tickets, but the travel agents(代理)could. While in Beijing we saw a lot of places of interest, most of which were very _ _ _ _ . It was fun to be with thousands of people in one place. There aren’t any words to describe it.(300 words)1、 A. story B. education C. experience D. expectation 2、 A. bus B. plane C. ship D. train 3、 A. advised B. persuaded C. promised D. informed 4、 A. sale B. duty C. time D. show 5、 A. through B. out C. back D. behind 6、 A. share B. offer C. bargain D. charge 7、 A. how B. what C. where D. which 8、 A. shouldnˊt B. couldnˊt C. neednˊt D. wouldnˊt 9、 A. taught B. offered C. learned D. heard 10、 A. interesting B. crowded C. famous D. noisy统考英语A
  • 社会主义市场经济条件下,宏观调控的主要目标是:答( )(A)促进经济增长(B)增加就业(C)稳定物价、保持国际收支平衡、调控各种商品的价格[参考答案:ABC]  分值:2(A) 促进经济增长 (B) 增加就业 (C) 稳定物价、保持国际收支平衡、调控各种商品的价格毛泽东思想和中国特色社会主义理论体系