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 国家开放大学 / 电算化会计


  • 题型描述: 段落翻译The Chinese government has decided to invest largely in developing technologies to treat water pollution, according to the State Environmental Protection Administration (SEPA) Monday. The State Council, or the cabinet, has approved three big state-funded programs for the research and development of such technologies. The programs, to last between 2008 and 2020, will support researches of technologies to remedy pollution of rivers, lakes, drinking water and those to monitor the water body environment. A project under the program will be carried out at Taihu Lake in the eastern Jiangsu Province. It had suffered a serious blue-green algae outbreak in summer 2007, threatening the tap water supply of more than 1 million residents in the lakeside city of Wuxi.英汉翻译(英语教育)
  • 带肋全玻璃幕墙的工程量计算规定是( )。建筑工程概预算
  • 在市场参加者双方都缺乏信息的对称性市场上,只要有市场专家提供信息,买卖双方都能获利。( )错误正确信息经济学
  • 现行宪法规定,国家通过行政管理, 个体经济。宪法学(专)
  • 魏晋玄学的创始人是( ) 中国法律思想史