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 成人高等教育 / 大学英语1

You will probably _ _ _ _ _ your team’s chance to win because you seem to have such a great _ _ _ _ _ _ them.
  • A、
    affect; influence
  • B、
    effect; influence
  • C、
    affect; effect on
  • D、
    effect; affect on
  • 课程实施的过程就是忠实地执行课程变革计划的过程,这是课程实施的 课程与教学论
  • Is there any reason for _ _ _ _ _ _ you should have a holiday? 大学英语(上)
  • 天然状态砂土密实度一般用( )测定。 土力学与地基基础
  • the old couple decided to _ _ _ _ a boy and a girl though they had three of their own. 大学英语1
  • 设随机变量X~U(a,b),则X2的数学期望为(a*a+ab+b*b)/3。() 概率论与数理统计
  • 从管理的视角看,大数据的特征包括()。 管理信息系统