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 国家开放大学 / 行政法与行政诉讼法

以下说法不属于行政程序合法内容的是(     )。

A. 任何人不能成为审理自己案件的法官
B. 行政机关在裁决行政案件时不能偏听偏信
C. 行政行为内容应当合情合理
D. 决定对当事人不利事务时,应预先通知并给其发表意见的机会
  • 10、某企业集团所属子公司甲于2002年6月份购入生产设备A,总计价款2000万元。会计直线折旧期10年,残值率5%;税法直线折旧年限8年,残值率8%;集团内部折旧政策仿照香港资本减免方式,规定A设备内部首期折旧率60%,每年折旧率20%。依据政府会计折旧口径,子公司甲2002年、2003年分别实现账面利润1800万元、2000万元。所得税率33%。 要求: 计算2002年、2003年实际应纳所得税、内部应纳所得税。试问各年度总部是如何与子公司进行相关资金结转的?高级财务管理
  • Goats are being hired to do the work of people near San Diego. The fires that occurred in Hillborbough four years ago destroyed thirty homes, most of which have been rebuilt. While people were rebuilding the homes, the grasses and bushes were growing back. The area is now so overgrown in bushes that there is again a major danger of fire.The city government put up bids to remove the bushes. The lowest bid they received was $50,000—and that was if the city provided breakfast and lunch for the workers for the six weeks it would take to clear the overgrown area. The city only wanted to give unlimited coffee and a piece of bread a day for each person. When that offer was rejected, the city asked for help on its website.A sheepherder in Montanta and a goat-keeper in San Bernardino read about the city’s plight(困境)while surfing the Web. They both offered to do the job for $25,000. The city government chose the goat-keeper because he lived closer. When he was told that the city dump(垃圾场)was overflowing , the goat-keeper said, “No problem. My goats will eat everything in your dump, except the car engines, of course.” So, for another $5,000, the city killed two birds with one stone. If all goes well, they will invite the goat-keeper and his “family” back every three years. The goat-keeper said that he would probably visit San Diego while his goats were in the dump. What can be inferred from the passage? 大学英语(三)
  • 被调查者集中、调查地点固定且采集内容复杂多变的调查应采用( )。 人力资源管理
  • 以下属于生化鉴别法的是药物分析(专科)
  • 能将模拟信号转换成数字信号的电路,称为D/A转换器,简称DAC。 传感器技术及工程应用
  • 18、以下不属于构成输电线路高频通道的元件是 A. 阻波器 B. 电流互感器 C. 连接滤波器 D. 耦合电容器电力系统继电保护