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 国家开放大学 / 刑事诉讼法学

公安机关可以对什么案件采取技术侦查措施? ()




  • 常单用,为治湿热泻痢的要药是a.石膏b.龙胆c.黄芩d.黄连中医药学概论
  • 题型描述: 十选项完形填空More and more teachers and parents have noticed another kind of pollution, _ _ _ _ came from the printed papers sold on streets.These printed things look like newspaper but have hardly anything to do with them. You can only find reading materials badly _ _ _ _ there----some are too strange for anyone to believe, _ _ _ _ are frightening stories of something even worse. However, many of the young students are getting absorbed in such poisonous reading, which costs them what they should pay for their breakfast and bring them nightmares and immoral ideas _ _ _ _ return. Homework is left undone, daily games lost.These sellers shout on streets selling their papers well. The writers, publishers and printers, _ _ _ _ they are, we never know, are making their silent money. The sheep skinned wolfˊs stories seem to have been forgotten once again.Why not forbid this kind of things at school? Yes, both teachers and parents have _ _ _ _ each other for more strict control of the young readers. Yet unfortunately, _ _ _ _ you want to forbid it, the more they want to have a look at it. Sometimes you may even find several children share one patched paper, which has traveled from one hand to _ _ _ _ driven by the curious nature.It really does harm to our society. It has already formed a sort of moral pollution. The _ _ _ _ teachers and parents need more powerful support. Meanwhile, the young readers need more interesting books to help them _ _ _ _ these ugly papers.1、 A. it B. this pollution C. which D. that 2、 A. made of B. made in C. made from D. made up 3、 A. others B. some others C. the other D. the others 4、 A. in B. for C. from D. as 5、 A. however B. whoever C. however D. whichever 6、 A. persuaded B. advised C. warned D. asked 7、 A. one B. the more C. if D. only when 8、 A. another B. some others C. the others D. others 9、 A. worried B. disappointed C. anxious D. puzzled 10、 A. throw away B. destroy C. fight against D. get rid of统考英语B
  • 简述中国共产党在新民主主义革命阶段的文化纲领中国近现代史纲要
  • 甲因犯爆炸罪被判处15年有期徒刑,在刑罚执行9年后,甲又将同在监狱服刑的乙打成重伤,该故意伤害罪被判处10年有期徒刑。甲实际服刑的刑期最高可达( )(A) 15年 (B) 19年 (C) 20年 (D) 25年刑法学
  • 以建构主义为理论基础的是(   )。 a.“五指活动”课程b.高宽课程c.行为课程d.蒙台梭利课程幼儿园课程论
  • 应用软件是指(A) 所有能够使用的软件 (B) 所有微机上都应作用的基本软件 (C) 专门为某一应用目的而编制的软件 (D) 能被各应用单位共同使用的某种软件计算机应用基础