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 国家开放大学 / 会计操作实务

复式记账法与单式记账法相比,具有的显著优点有(    )。




  • 计算机系统包括硬件系统和软件系统,其中软件系统包括:( ) (A)系统软件(B)打印机(C)服务器(D)应用软件(E)运算器和控制器[参考答案:AD]  分值:2得分: 分 系统自动批改于2020年12月25日 23点49分 计算机网络管理
  • 27、In earlier days few people read Whitman's poems. One person who did read them was Abraham Lincoln who was then a country lawyer. He liked the strength and honesty of Whitman's words. He often read them to visitors in his office. Whitman didn't know Lincoln, but he wrote a long article about slavery. Whitman was against slavery. He wanted to see a new kind of president, not a professional politician, but an ordinary working man. This man would be wise, healthy and middle-aged. He would have a beard. Whitman didn't know it, but he was describing Lincoln. Before he was a lawyer, Lincoln worked with his hands. He was wise, healthy and middle-aged, and he had a beard. In 1860 Abraham was elected the president of the United States. In March 1865, Whitman was in Washington. Abraham Lincoln became president for the second time. Whitman watched the ceremony. The two men had never met but they had seen each other. Washington was very hot in summer. Sometimes Lincoln went outside the city. He passed Whitman's house on the way. He and Whitman often nodded to each other. Early in April the civil war ended. But on April 13 someone shot President Lincoln, and on 14 Lincoln died. To Whitman it was like the death of a friend. He loved Lincoln so much. He wrote a poem to express his feelings about the death of the president. It was one of his saddest and most beautiful poems.统考英语阅读理解
  • 盆神经受损时,排尿功能障碍的表现是 A、 尿失禁 B、 尿频 C、 尿潴留 D、 多尿 E、 少尿生理学(影像)
  • (     )是学前儿童美术教育的指南针,它能更好地指导学前儿童美术教育活动内容的选择、课程的设计和实施,以及对课程的评价。  a.教育目标b.教育原则c.教育评价d.教育过程学前儿童艺术教育(美术)
  • 下列五类Ig的特性哪项是错误的 医学免疫学
  • Mandy has met _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . 英语I(2)