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 高等继续教育 / 英汉翻译(英语教育)

题型描述: 单选题
五四运动是在当时世界革命号召之下,是在俄国革命号召之下,是在列宁号召之下发生的。 _ _ _ _
A.The May 4th Movement came into being at the call of the world revolution, of the Russian Revolution and of Lenin.
B.The May 4th Movement came into being at the call of the world revolution, at the call of the Russian Revolution and at the call of Lenin.
C.The May 4th Movement happened at the call of the world revolution, at the call of the Russian Revolution and at the call of Lenin.
D.The May 4th Movement happened under the call of the world revolution, of the Russian Revolution and of Lenin.
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