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 国家开放大学 / 管理思想史

以下不是古希腊的改革家、思想家的是( )




  • 进行城市交通规划、城市道路系统规划和城市道路设计的基础工作的是( ) A.交通量调查 B.OD 调查 C.步行调查 D.交通调查 E.null F.null G.null H.null交通规划
  • 2[阅读题] Maria Mitchell ( 1818 - 1889 ), the first woman astronomer ( 天文学家 ) in the United States,was born in Nantucket, Massachusetts. Her parents valued education and insisted on giving her the same quality of education that boys received. Her father, William Mitchell, was an astronomer and teacher himself. When he built his own school, Maria became a student and also a teaching assistant to him. At home, Maria' s father taught her to watch the stars and other natural objects in space using his personal telescope ( 望远镜 ). Later she went to work at the library of the Nantucket Atheneum. Over the next twenty years,she further developed her interest in reading as many books as she could. She spent her nights watching the sky closely with her father. On October 1,1847 ,Mafia discovered a comet ( 彗星 ) by merely using a two-inch telescope.Some years before, King Frederick V[ of Denmark had set up prizes to each discoverer of a"telescopic comet". The prize was to be given to the "first discoverer" of each such comet because comets were often discovered by more than one person. There was once a question of who should be the winner. As the story goes, Francesco de Vicohad discovered the same comet two days later, but had reported it to the European official first. However,after some discussion this was settled in Mitchell' s favor. She won the prize in 1848 and became a big name the world over. The comet was named "Miss Mitchell' s Comet". 1. What can be learnt about Mafia' s parents according to the text? () A. They came from low-income families. B. They gave Mafia equal chance for education. C. They were both astronomers. D. They were both teachers. 2. Who played the most important role in Mafia' s great achievement? () A. King Frederick VI. B. Francesco de Vico. C. Her father. D. Her mother. 3. What problem did Maria meet with in winning the prize? () A. She named the comet on her own. B. She did not use the required telescope. C. She did not report her discovery in time. D. She discovered the comet with her father. 4. When did Francesco de Vico discover the comet? () A. In 1818. B. In 1889. C. In 1848. D. In 1847.专升本英语1
  • 5[判断题] 混凝土的徐变变形与荷载持续时间t成正比则为线性徐变。() A.正确 B.错误建筑结构
  • 检查误差其中一类是漏检,指的是有的不合格品没有被检查出来,当成了合格品,这会使用户遭受损失。是否质量管理
  • *专利权无效宣告请求由谁受理? 知识产权法
  • 下面哪项不是内脏痛的特点 生理学(临床)