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 高等继续教育 / 文学概论

文学鉴赏中的共鸣,指的是( )

  • 在国标提供的标准图纸幅面中,比A2图纸小一号的图纸是工程制图
  • ()常常是造句中的关键词语,有的写作经验之谈中把它看作是灵魂,诗眼,响字。 a. 名词b. 动词c. 形容词d. 数词修辞学
  • 坚甲厉兵以备难,而美荐绅之饰。 古代汉语
  • 《红楼梦》体现了管理者以法治家的管理思想正确错误管理学原理
  • 当药物的体内过程符合线性过程时,可用矩量法估算药动学参数。正确错误生物药剂与药物动力学
  • 1. I will make sure that everything _ _ _ _ _ _ (be) in order.2. When summer comes, the weather _ _ _ _ _ _ (get) hotter and hotter.3. It is reported that by the end of this month, the output of steel in the factory _ _ _ _ _ _ (rise) by about 10%.4. I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (mean) to call on you, but was prevented from doing so.5. Leave a note for them on the table and they _ _ _ _ _ _ (see) it when they come in.6. – I’m sorry that John is out.– Please ask him to call me as soon as he _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (return).7. When our English teacher arrived, I _ _ _ _ _ _ (discuss) the Pride and Prejudice with Jane.8. He acted as if he _ _ _ _ _ _ (know) English very well.9. Mr. Smith will not be able to attend the meeting tonight because he _ _ _ _ _ _ (teach) a class then.10. – Hi, Tracy, you look pale.– I am tired. I _ _ _ _ _ _ (paint) the living room all day.大学英语语法