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 高等继续教育 / 中国近现代史纲要

  • 题型描述: 十选项完形填空Homesickness is very common among students away from home — even those who had previously been away at overnight camp or traveled far away. There is a difference between being away from home for 8 weeks and being gone for 8 months. There is also a difference between _ _ _ _ home for a while (knowing you will be going back) and leaving _ _ _ _ (knowing you may never return). Feeling homesick does not make you less mature or mean you are not ready to be _ _ _ _ . If you feel homesick, talk to your friends at school about it. _ _ _ _ they are feeling the same way. _ _ _ _ family and friends back home, but make sure you _ _ _ _ new relationships at school. If your homesickness does not _ _ _ _ and does not seem to be getting better after a few months at school, speaking with an adviser might help. Also, remember that going home for the first visit may be difficult _ _ _ _ changes in yourself or your family. Old conflicts do not just disappear once you go to college, and new ones may _ _ _ _ . Again, if things are too stressful for you _ _ _ _ 1、 A. being away B. leaving C. abandoning D. heading for 2、 A. all the time B. for a short time C. temporarily D. forever 3、 A. lonely B. of your own C. on your own D. yourself 4、 A. Make sure B. Most likely C. It’s impossible D. It’s lucky 5、 A. Keep contact in B. Keep in touch with C. Communicate D. Contact with 6、 A. formed B. develop C. do D. have built 7、 A. go away B. go with C. go through D. go over 8、 A. resulting in B. because C. because of D. thanks to 9、 A. rise B. raise C. grow D. appear 10、 A. not B. so C. to D. too统考英语A
  • 对于已投产项目,引起单位固定成本变化的原因是由于( )。得分: 分 系统自动批改于2020年8月25日 1点10分 工程经济学
  • 以下对淋巴细胞的描述中,哪一项错误: ( ) 组织学与胚胎学
  • 快速成型技术制造的零件的表面质量超过了传统加工方法。先进制造技术
  • 1947年6月,人民解放军揭开战略反攻序幕的事件是A、百团大战B、刘邓大军挺近大别山C、辽沈战役D、渡江战役中国近现代史纲要
  • 高等数学