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 国家开放大学 / 学校与社会

个体的政治社会化是指群体逐渐学会被 现有政治体系所倡导或认可的政治规范和政治行为方式的过程。

  • 在单缝夫琅和费衍射中,与低级数的衍射条纹相比,高级数的衍射条纹对应着单缝处的半波带数() 大学物理
  • 潍坊风筝的主要分类方法是() 地域文化(专)
  • 【判断题】用万用表测试晶体管好坏时,应选择欧姆档中比较大的量程。 电工学
  • I’m studying Spanish, and I’ve been teaching English _ _ _ _ _ last fall.a.since b.onc.ford.in综合英语(1)
  • 根据写作要求,参考写作提示和写作范例,到论坛中完成写作练习。 写作练习 What do you usually do in your weekend? How do you think of the two-day weekend? Write a passage describing a typical weekend or showing your opnions about the two-day weekend. 写作提示 Remember, you are asked to write about a typical weekend, the most interesting things you do at weekends. Don’t attempt to make an account of everything you do during the two days. Or if you write about the advantages or disadvantages of the two-day weekend, you need to make some contrast.综合英语(1)
  • 下面选项中属于Android的界面布局方式的有( ) Android智能手机编程