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 国家开放大学 / 仓储与配送管理

(     )在经济合理区域范围内,根据用户的要求,对物品进行拣选、加工、包装、分割、组配等作业,并按时送达指定地点的物流活动。

  • 49、以下选项中,不属于计算机外部设备的是______。 A.输出设备 B.输入设备 C.中央处理器和主存储器 D.外存储器计算机统考
  • 陶行知是我国现代教育史上伟大的人民教育家和思想家,非常重视学前教育的中国化,他指出当时的幼稚园有“三大病”——“外国病”“花钱病”“富贵病”。 对 错学前教育学
  • 新作物的引进和推广,如玉米、甘薯和大豆等,因这些作物大多具有高产、耐瘠、适应性强的特点,对缓解我国粮食供应不足的矛盾及提高边际土地的利用产生了重要的影响。 农业概论
  • 与初始T细胞相比,记忆性T细胞再活化时 A、 A.易被激活,相对较低浓度的抗原即可 B、 B.对协同刺激信号(如CD28/B7)的依赖性较低 C、 C.分泌更多的细胞因子 D、 D. 对细胞因子作用的敏感性更强 E、 E. 可迅速增殖分化为效应细胞免疫学基础
  • 我国农业利用的外资来源地有: 农业概论
  • 18、George Stephenson was born in 1781. He was _ _ 21 _ _ a poor English worker's family. His father looked after a steam engine. He worked hard indeed, _ _ 22 _ _ he could not support his family. Where could he get the money to send George to school? George began to learn his ABC when he was seventeen. On his 18th birthday, he could write his own name. George had to work when he was only a small child. The work was much too hard _ _ 23 _ _ him. He worked for 12 hours every day. After a day's work he often felt _ _ 24 _ _ tired to stand. He worked and studied very hard. He spent all this time learning about the steam engine. _ _ 25 _ _ he studied hard, he invented many things. The railway locomotive(火车头)was the greatest one of them.统考英语完型填空