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 河南成教 / 互换性与技术测量




  • (单选题) According to the passage, the workers can _ _ _ _ _ in case of pipeline leaks. ( ) A、  report to the local government B、  ask people to leave the leak affected areas C、  call 911 D、  close valves大学英语2
  • [论述题] 试述知识型团队绩效的多维评价指标:团队建设与管理
  • (A)P(C)=P(AB) (B)P(C)>=P(A)+P(B)-1(C)P(C)=P(A∪B) (D)P(C)=<P(A)+P(B)-1概率论与数理统计
  • (单选题) ()Some students are enthusiastic for positions in student organizations probably because _ _ _ _ _ _ . A、  they hate the constant pressure and strain of their study B、  they will then be able to stay longer in the university C、  such positions may help them get better jobs D、  such positions are usually well paid大学英语(二)
  • (单选题) 氯气中毒的防护与急救不正确的是( )。 A、  给患者喝催吐剂,使其呕吐 B、  操作时戴好防毒口罩 C、  咽喉受刺激,可吸入2%的苏打水热蒸气 D、  重患者应保温、注射强心剂硅酸盐工业分析
  • 以下哪个判断属于规范经济学( )(西方经济学的研究方法)A、医生挣的钱比蓝领工人多B、收入分配中存在着太多的不平等C、通货膨胀率下降了D、通货膨胀率用来衡量物价变化水平西方经济学