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  • 题型描述: 阅读理解One of the greatest philosophers of Western thought is Benjamin Franklin. Franklin is known as “the poor manˊs philosopher” because his simple wisdom is so clear that even ˊan uneducated man could understand it. Franklin offered homilies (布道) such as “Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.” Many of these sayings were published anonymously by Franklin in his Poor Richardˊs Almanac. This pamphlet 小册子), which was published from 1732 to 1757, also contained a calendar, weather predictions, and poetry, and was a very popular magazine in its day. Franklin, also known as a diplomat, printer, American patriot, scientist, and inventor, contributed greatly to the development of democratic government, and to the culture of the American people. Some of his maxims found from this publication include: Let thy discontents by thy secrets; if the worm knows them ˊt will despise thee and increase them. Necessity never makes a good bargain. Three may keep a secret, if two of them are dead. Where thereˊs Marriage without Love, there will be Love without Marriage. If youˊd have it done, Go; if not, Send. Ben Franklin did much to contribute to the general body of knowledge in so many areas. It is well worth the time to cultivate some knowledge of this man and his many accomplishments.1.Why is Franklin known as ″the poor manˊs philosopher″?A. Because the rich are not interested in his philosophyB. Because Franklin was probably from a poor familyC. Because Franklinˊs wisdom is not very well-knownD. Because itˊs easy for common people to understand his philosophy.2.What was Poor Richardˊs Almanac in the passage?A. A detective novelB. A kind of magazineC. A history bookD. A sales brochure.3.What does the underlined word ″maxims″ mean?A. Some parts that a book mainly comprisesB. Some different sections of a publicationC. Hobbies, interests, or social customsD. Proverbs or some well-known life philosophy.4.Which of the following contributions of Franklin is NOT mentioned in the passage?A. The contribution to the culture of the American peopleB. The contribution to the development of democratic governmentC. The contribution to the general body of knowledgeD. The contribution to the development of agriculture.5.What does the author suggest at the end of the passage?A. Itˊs a waste of time to cultivate rich and famous peopleB. Itˊs worth becoming an inventor like FranklinC. Itˊs worth developing some of Franklinˊs wisdomD. Donˊt waste any minute in life.专科英语II
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