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  • 构建服务全民终身学习的教育体系,要健全学前教育、特殊教育和普及高中阶段教育保障机制,完善职业教育、高等教育、继续教育统筹协调发展机制,对各阶段的教育进行统筹规划。继续教育远程学习网络教育社区教育终身学习与职业发展
  • 某单位员工收到一封仿冒的邮件,要求其立马通过邮件里的链接更新账号密码,该员工受到的是什么类型的电子邮件攻击?附件病毒 钓鱼邮件 勒索病毒 窃听攻击网络安全技术
  • [单选题] 存放在美国境外银行的美元存款被称为(       ) A.离岸美元 B.境外美元 C.亚洲美元 D.欧洲美元河南成教
  • 2[阅读题]     Women are terrible shoppers. They spend a lot of time shopping and they only buy a few things. My wife is one of them. Sometimes she shops all day and she doesn't buy anything. She tries on clothes all day and then doesn't bring anything home. This seems mad!    She's too fussy. She only likes a few colors. Her favorite colors are blue, green and yellow. She doesn't like red and pink. They are too bright and they don't suit her. And brown and gray aren't bright enough. Oh, she's fussy!    This week,my wife bought herself a fur coat,and a ready-made suit dress, that is to say, a coat and a skirt. She wants to find a silk blouse to match them. She'd like to buy a hat,too.  In this way, she says,she will be in the very latest fashion. It seems that the suit she bought three weeks ago is already out of date.6. Women are terrible shoppers because they ______.              A. buy too many things at one time B. go shopping every dayC. do a lot of shopping but buy little D. care little about prices7. The author's wife is __________.                             A. mad about colors                         B. blind to colorsC. fuzzy about colors                       D. fond of bright colors8. The author's wife bought _______this week.                           A. a silk blouse                            B. a hat       C. a suit                                         D. a fur coat and a skirt9. The author's wife always buys more because_________.           A. she is keen on the latest fashionB. she is fuzzy about changing colors of her dressC. she always finds her dress uncomfortableD. she tries to look younger than her age10. The author thinks his wife is anything but a _____ shopper.       A. crazy                                           B. fussyC. terrible                                        D. reasonable 英语1
  • 7[填空题] 数据库对象就是存储和管理数据库的结构形式,这些数据库对象包括数据库图表、表、函数、视图、_________ 、_________ 、缺省、规则等。SQL Server
  • 旱芹的功效是活血健脾平肝理气中医营养与药膳