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 高等继续教育 / 国际法学


  • 某入潮气量为500ml,呼吸频率为14次/分钟,其肺泡通气量约医药学基础
  • 44[填空题] 幼儿园社会领域教育的内容有 历史 、 地理 和__________幼儿园课程论
  • 题型描述: 段落翻译The literary classics are a haven, for that part of us that broods over mortal bewilderments, over suffering and death and fleeting happiness. They are a refuge for our secret self that wishes to contemplate the previous singularity(奇特、异常) of our physical world, that seeks out the expression of feeling too prismatic(绚丽的) for rational articulation(表达). They are places of quiet, useless stillness in a world that despises any activity that is not profitable or productive. Literary art's sudden, startling truth and beauty make us feel, in the most solitary part of us, that we are not alone, and that there are meanings that cannot be bought, sold or traded, that do not decay and die. This socially and economically worthless experience is called transcendence(超然存在), and you cannot assign a paper, or a grade, or an academic rank, on that. Literature is too sacred to be taught. It needs only to be read.英汉翻译
  • 如何客观地评价泰罗制?管理学(本科)
  • 3、 人们在一定的认识基础上确立的对某种思想或事物坚信不疑并身体力行的态度,称为() A.理想 B.信仰 C.信念 D.幻想思想道德修养与法律基础
  • 如果计划的人力资源需求超过供给,有以下解决方法( )。 人力资源管理