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 高等继续教育 / 综合英语(二)

26、It seem, nowadays , a matter of universal desire that poverty should be abolished.
A. Nowadays the world is confronting with the serious problem of proverty.
B. Nowadays it seems that a large number of people are still living in proverty
C. Nowadays people express their desir that they will not live in proverty.
D. Nowadayspeople all over theworld seem to have a common wish we should do away withpoverty

  • 70、试分析四类典型顾客的消费行为新产品开发
  • 经济学是研究社会如何合理配置和充分利用稀缺资源,以便最大限度地满足人类日益增长的需要或欲望的科学。 西方经济学
  • 下列各项中,属于会计信息使用者的有? A、 投资者 B、 债权人 C、 企业管理者 D、 政府及其相关部门基础会计
  • 产业市场的特点是:市场调研与预测
  • 一般情况下,收养人应年满( ) 婚姻家庭继承法