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 河南成教 / 单片机原理及应用

 编写程序段,将片内RAM 60H单元的内容加上10,结果存放片内RAM 60H单元。
  • 城市轨道交通的运输距离通常不太长,但两点间的联系通道呈复杂多样性。( )√ ×城市轨道交通客运组织
  • 题型描述: 阅读理解In a job interview, the first question is often a “breaking the ice” type of question. Don’t be surprised if the interviewer asks you something like: “How are you today?” or “What do you think of the weather lately?” Answer the question without going into too much detail. Talking about qualifications is the most important part of any job interview. Your qualifications include your education and any special training you may have received in the past. Your qualifications also include your experience in any previous work. It is important to explain what experience you have in detail. Generally, employers want to know exactly what you did and how well you accomplished your tasks. This is not the time to be modest. Try to avoid some big mistakes in the job interview, such as leaving the mobile on and criticizing previous bosses. The worst thing is you yourself have no questions. Having no questions shows you are either not interested or not prepared. Remember that interviewers are more impressed with the questions you ask than the selling points you try to make.1、 The passage is mainly about _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . A. importance of interviewees’ qualifications in job interviews B. Do’s and Don’ts in job interviews C. some common mistakes found in job interviews D. the typical questions asked in job interviews 2、 A “breaking the ice” type of question is _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . A. a sharp question that makes people angry B. a question asked about serious topics C. an opening question asked to make people less nervous D. a question that makes people unhappy 3、 All of the following are considered to be the interviewee’s qualifications except _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . A. experience in previous work B. educational background C. all kinds of special training received D. social background 4、 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ is not mentioned in the passage as a mistake found in job interviews. A. Leaving the mobile on B. Arriving late C. Having no questions D. Criticizing previous bosses 5、 If an interviewee has no question in the job interview, it may show he _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . A. is modest B. is not interested or not prepared C. is familiar with the job D. has good manners统考英语A
  • 张某出于报复动机将赵某打成重伤,发现赵某丧失知觉后,临时起意拿走了赵某的钱包,钱包里有1万元现金,张某将其占为己有。关于张某取财行为的定性,下列哪一选项是正确的? A.构成抢劫罪 B.构成抢夺罪 C.构成盗窃罪 D.构成侵占罪 E.刑事诉讼法
  • [单选题] 二审法院根据当事人上诉和案件审理情况,对上诉案件作出相应裁判。下列哪一选项是正确的 A.二审法院认为原判对上诉请求的有关事实认定清楚、适用法律正确,裁定驳回上诉,维持原判 B.二审法院认为原判对上诉请求的有关事实认定清楚,但适用法律有错误,裁定发回重审 C.二审法院认为一审判决是在案件未经开庭审理而作出的,裁定撤销原判,发回重审 D.原审原告增加独立的诉讼请求,二审法院合并审理,一并作出判决河南成教
  • 在一行上写多条Python语句使用的符号是( )。A、;B、.C、,D、:Python编程
  • 超强人工智能是能够达到人类级别的人工智能程序。先进制造技术