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 河南成教 / 质量管理


A. ISO9002

B. ISO19011

C. ISO9000

D. ISO9001

E. ISO9004
  • 39、 人群调查研究表明,胎儿畸形发生率的增加与妊娠期(   )营养不良以及血清锌浓度降低有关 A. 锌 B. 钙 C. 铁 D. B族维生素学前儿童家庭教育学
  • 中国药典(2005年版)规定检查盐酸普鲁卡因注射液中对氨基苯甲酸特殊杂质的方法是( )。药物分析
  • 1997年,党的十五大报告指出:到21世纪中叶建国一百年时,基本实现现代化,建成富强民主文明的社会主义国家(    )。对 错毛泽东思想和中国特色社会主义理论体系概论
  • 银行同业之间买卖外汇所形成的市场称为(  )。金融学
  • 1. Turn left and you _ _ _ _ _ _ (find) a tall building in front of you. 2. This time next week, we _ _ _ _ _ _ (fly) over the Atlantic Ocean.3. I dislike Bill’s dishonesty. He _ _ _ _ _ _ (always tell) lies.4. When and where to go for the on-salary holiday _ _ _ _ _ _ (not decide) yet.5. By the end of last year, another new gymnasium _ _ _ _ _ _ (complete) in our university.6. Chairman Mao said pride _ _ _ _ _ _ (go) before a fall.7. When my father arrived, I _ _ _ _ _ _ (discuss) the Gone with the Wind with my mother.8. Jack is 80 years old, but he often walks as if he _ _ _ _ _ _ (is) a young man.9. Susan said she _ _ _ _ (teach) English for 20 years by the end of this semester.10. This is the first time we _ _ _ _ _ _ (see) a film in the cinema together as a family.大学英语语法
  • 客观存在并可以相互区分的任何事物被称为()数据库原理与应用