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 高等继续教育 / 医学微生物学与免疫学(基础医学)

题型描述: 单选题
对乙型肝炎病毒核心抗原的正确叙述是 :
A.存在于 HBV 的核心,螺旋对称包绕在核酸外
C. 其相应的 IgM 类抗体阳性可作为早期诊断指标
D.由 HBV 的 DNA 多聚酶构成
  • 会计以( )为主要计量单位。会计学基础
  • 简述电力系统安全自动控制装置的主要任务。电力系统自动装置
  • 2、在生产周期的时间构成中还包含着大量的等待、()等无效时间 A. 休息 B. 闲置 C. 交流 D. 访问生产与运作管理
  • 题型描述: 听力二1.A. Because the bird screamed all day long.B. Because the bird couldnˊt repeat his masterˊs name.C. Because the bird failed to say the name of the town.D. Because the bird uttered the wrong word.2.A. The fourth chicken.B. The cruel master.C. The pet bird.D. The man in the kitchen.3.A. The bird managed to escape from the chicken house.B. The bird had learned to scream back at him.C. The bird had finally understood his threat.D. The bird was living peacefully with the chickens.英语听力I
  • 决定必须书面形式.错误正确刑事诉讼法(专)
  • 评价指标体系应该遵循(   )等原则。信息化管理与运作