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 国家开放大学 / 综合英语(2)

– What subjects do you have for today?
–                                        .
–May I borrow your politics book today?

a.We have English, Chinese, politics, physics, chemistry and geography. Why?
b.We have English, Chinese, history, physics, chemistry and geography. Why?
c.We have English, Chinese, history, physics, politics and geography. Why?
  • Just as the soil is a part of the earth, _ _ _ _ the atmosphere. 学位英语
  • The Woman Warrior _ _ _ _ _ _ _ by Maxine Hong Kingston.a.wroteb.was writtenc.has writtend.had written综合英语(2)
  • 在Access的窗体中,绑定型控件主要起到信息提示和美化窗体的作用。( )数据库基础与应用
  • 核心企业。正确答案是:核心企业是指除了能创造特殊价值,长期控制比竞争对手更擅长的关键性业务工作外,还要协调好整条链中从供应商、制造商、分销商直到最终用户之间的关系,控制整个增值链的运行,成为整个供应链的信息继承中心、管理控制中心和物流中心。供应链管理
  • - Do you ever go back to Cambridge?- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ a.Not very often.b.Let’s keep in touch.c.Not again.综合英语(1)
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