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 河南成教 / 城市规划原理

人口老龄化是全球性的社会趋势。按照联合国有关规定,60岁以上老年人口的比重达到( )或者65岁以上老年人口的比重达到(()的人口型态就属于“老年型人口”





  • 不对称短路需要根据边界条件列出的方程式的个数是多少? A.3 B.4 C.2 D.1 E.电力系统基础(一)
  • 药物的选择作用取决于 药理学
  • 工艺美术是指美化的日常生活用品,是与人们的物质生活和精神生活关系密切的一种美术形式。(    ) 对 错幼儿园艺术教育专题
  • 广告的USP策略就是要求作到每则广告都要有一个_______。 A.明确的表演者 B.清晰的品牌诠释 C.独特的销售主张 D.符合CI要求的创意 E.市场管理学
  • 车站级系统的主要设备有( )。监控工作站 模拟屏盘 与FAS的接口 现场控制器 维修工作站城市轨道交通车站设备
  • 题型描述: 阅读理解Almost every society has certain traditional ideas about marriage. For example, most societies expect men and women to marry. Most cultures also have traditions about the role and duties of a husband and a wife. Traditionally, the husband is expected to earn a living, and the wife is expected to keep house and raise children.Many Americans did not follow traditional marriage patterns. For example, a large number of married couples share responsibilities that have been traditionally handled by either the husband or the wife. An increasing number of married women have paying jobs and help support their families financially. In 1940, about 15 percent of all married women earned money. In the early 1990s, about 60 percent held a full- or part-time job. More and more husbands share responsibilities traditionally handled by women, such as cooking, doing housework, and caring for children.On the average, men and women stay single longer than they once did. In 1950s, men married at an average age of 23, and women married at an average age of 20. By the mid-1990s, the average marriage age was about 26.5 for men and about 24.5 for women.An increasing number of people choose not to marry. If a man and a woman wish to avoid marriage, they may decide to live together with no formal obligations to each other. This arrangement is more common among young adults, but some couples of all ages live together without marrying.1、 All Americans would like to follow the traditional marriage patterns. A. F B. T 2、 The number of married women with a paying job to support their families financially is increasing. A. T B. F 3、 Most societies expect men and women to marry and have traditions about the role and duties of a husband and a wife. A. F B. T 4、 In the early 1990s, about 15 percent held a full- or part-time job. A. F B. T 5、 More and more Americans choose to live together without marriage. A. T B. F统考英语A