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 高等继续教育 / 现代色谱分析

产生拖尾峰的原因可能有:( )

  • 政府审计机关的审计活动被审计单位必须积极配合,属于 审计学
  • 题型描述: 段落翻译Critics often speak of “the rich” with none-too-subtle disdain, as if those at the very top of the income ladder are all dishonest people or as if becoming rich is difficult and means others must become poorer. While we would be the first to admit that some rich people are dishonest, we must add that achieving the status of “the rich” (defined, say, by having a net worth of $1,000,000) is not particularly difficult, contrary to popular wisdom. The rules for acquiring substantial wealth are few, simple. This fact suggests that becoming rich for most Americans is a matter of choice. One of the rules for being rich is to avoid frivolous(无重要意义的) temptations. That is easier said than done, and we do not necessarily recommend that all people should lead a pure and joyless life. We mean only to point out that the great majority of those four percent of Americans who have $1,000,000 in net worth get to where they are because they control their pleasures. For example, rich Americans buy cars that are on average only slightly more expensive than those less wealthy Americans buy.英汉翻译
  • 49、储备仓库应设在()并有专用的独立地段。城乡总体规划原理
  • 18[多选题] 影响学生从众行为群体方面的主要因素有()。 A.群体的权威性 B.群体的规模 C.群体的凝聚力 D.群体意见的一致性教师教学技能
  • 2[单选题] 在情景模拟测试方法中,(          )经多年实践不断充实完善,并被证明是一种很有效的管理人员测评方法。 A.决策模拟竞赛法 B.即席发言法 C.无领导小组讨论 D.公文筐测试河南理工大学
  • Please arrange shipment of the goods booked by us with the _ _ _ _ _ possible delay. 经贸英语